My own half a dozen tips...
To begin with, last year, I was asked to come up with half a dozen pointers for an in-house magazine. Here they are again:
Describe the resolution in terms of WHAT you will DO rather than the end-result. For example, I'm going to eat smaller portions, have a better quality lunch, and walk three tube stops towards home each evening, are much more likely to succeed than "I'm going to lose weight".
Commit your resolution to paper. Then put the paper somewhere that you can't help but see it! But be thoughtful - if you shower in the morning a note there will help you remember things for the day. Similarly a bit of tape stuck on the lid of a lunch-box might be right for lunchtime resolutions. If it's evening activities then leave a note for yourself on the doormat!
Share your resolutions with a real friend. It is always easier to achieve something if someone else is helping us. A real friend will gently keep us on track and be supportive when things slip a little.
Enlist an expert. If one of your resolutions calls for expertise, don't be afraid to ask for it. Experts can sometimes see quick ways to achieve things that you'd never guess for yourself. Whether it's a major change of career, wanting to get a more responsible role, a thorough re-shaping of your finances, putting a less-than-satisfactory childhood behind you, moving to a new home, a whole new fitness regime - check out the expertise that's available.
Set your sights high! Many people set resolutions that are relatively easy to achieve and yet don't do so because they are equally easy to put off to another day, and another day, and another... Instead be outrageous - set yourself an almost unbelievable task, you will surprise how far you can get.
The Science of Persuasion
If this wasn't enough, then you might like to have a look at this excellent article that appeared on the BBC News a day or so ago. It's based on the science of persuasion and has some useful material for anyone in business too:
Made a resolution? Here's how to stick to it
And, finally, if it's inspiration that you're lacking, try this for size...
It was sent to me yesterday by Bay Jordan, who's recently launched a novel accounting method that puts REAL value on the people in an organisation. It is a short video which I hope will make you think BIG!
212 - The Extra Degree
If anyone would like a little help with theirs, deciding what to commit to, making sure they stick, or understanding why they don't, do get in touch!
Have A Great 2008,
Best wishes
London + Oxford - 07785 222380
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